A man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. Rejected and so despised that men hide their faces. He passes by, yet lingers at each one, hoping for a glance from your eyes—and when he spots it, just one peep, he stops and waits. Sometimes extending a hand; wishing you’ll take it; slip your palm into his. Waiting… waiting a day times infinity. All he wants is your face lifted to meet his loving gaze. He seeks communion, meaningful relationship. Relationship, what it means—all that it means—began with him. He offers to reach you, to help, to assist, to support, to accompany, to lighten your burdens and show you the right path to take. He is the way-maker who removes obstacles. He sees your focus on the corporeal giants and the hindrances, and yet he says they are nothing to him. Take your focus off those things that hamper and do not help you, he urges. Instead, put your focus on him, look to him, for in him is freedom. Look not at your circumstances, look to him. “Wayward child, I’ve come to bring you into the refreshing waters,” he says. “A place of escape, peace, and hope. I am the source of everything good, no matter how conditions appear.” “My Savior, I love you.” And you listen for a moment, but then forget he’s still there. Because clouds darken the surrounding sky. “Have you taken your eyes off me already? I’m here, I’m still here! I will always be here to catch you when you fall, or when you feel like letting go.” “My Savior, I love you.” You spend time in his presence and begin to understand the glory of his ways, of who he is. But then something happens, something out of your control; a volcano erupts, and how quickly you forget he’s present. “Why do you doubt, wayward child? Haven’t I come to your rescue again and again? When you thought I’d vanished, I worked behind the scenes, and continue often in this way, until the unseen becomes seen. You have no reason to doubt. Cast your cares on me.” “My Savior, I love you. I recognize your greatness. In intimacy, I relish your affection. You are my true companion; so much of the time, my only companion. You’ve delivered me from so many fateful times and experiences. You are God who came to this earth as man, for my atonement, and to lead by example. You know what I go through, better than I do. I don’t know why I’ve ever doubted you; why I doubt at all—but then… well, there’s this one issue, this mountain that seems insurmountable, impossible to climb—” “You are my child who I know. I’ve searched the depths of your heart… and I love you still. If only you’d lift your eyes to me just now and not to the mountain. I can move mountains. The mountain won’t move itself. So look to me, the one who moves, who propels, who brings answers, who brings freedom. I will put a melody in your heart, even now, even as you sleep.” “My Savior, I love you. I woke up hearing a song. I recognize the words and the melody. Thank you for the constant reminders. I’m sorry I sound so often like a broken record.” “I’d rather have a broken record than nothing at all. Yet, I say, you are not a broken record; my grace makes you whole. I love you I love you I love you! I will never tire of telling you. Maybe I’m a broken record to you?” Never. Never let me go. You reflect and inhale the incense of his gentle and kind presence. “My Savior, I love you. Thank you for your never-ending love, pure and unblemished, comforting and complete. My Savior, I love you. You are more than enough for me.” “Beloved child, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Tessais a storyteller, and a transcript editor. She's also a Romans 8:28 kind of Jewish girl ... For Tessa's new