It was a dark and stormy night--Ball? Ball? Ball? Play ball? Wanna play ball? Wanna play? Play ball? Wanna play? Ball? Ball? Ball? Play ball with me? Ball? It was a dark and stormy night. Lightning flashed--Walk? Walk? Walk? Go for walk? For walk? Walk me? Walk? Go for walk?—CAR RIDE! Car ride? Car? Ride? Go for ride in car? Ride? In car? Car? Ride? It was a dark and stormy night. Lightning flashed. Thunder cracked--Ball? Ball? Ball? Wanna play ball? Play ball with me. Ball? Ball?.....Ball? (Sigh). Sometimes, the pup just needs to come first.
The nature of book reviews is akin to human nature. We scrutinize, develop opinions, find faults, and praise. All of what are expressions articulated in varying facets and levels about the literature we read. Some would suggest that if you don’t have anything positive to say then don’t say anything at all. Is this because it might hurt the author's feelings?
No doubt, it can smart to be on the receiving end of criticism on something you’ve worked so hard. But the longer a writer is in the business those kinds of censures have a way of stinging less. We make our friends and are challenged by our detractors, our social and media circles are diverse and our audiences fluctuate. We can’t please everybody all of the time. Some are going to love our work, gifting us with those oh-so-good golden moments. Some aren’t. There’s wisdom in paying attention to matters that might need addressed, changed, or developed in our craft, but all in all, we still have to do what we do and, hopefully, find joy and fulfillment in doing it. As an author, I’ve received my share of both good and bad reviews. As a reader, I can dish out the same miscellany about the books I digest. In the past, I’ve pondered if I should post a review or rating that is far less than exemplary. Then again, I’ve actually chosen books to read based on bad reviews. That’s the crazy curiosity alive in me. I want to see what others see. Like a twisted treasure hunt. Funny thing, I come to my own conclusion each time and what others have stated doesn’t sway my vote one way or the other. Therefore, honesty is I think the best policy because reviews are relative. They’re definitely interesting…but they’re also conditional and imperfect. Having the following in mind keeps things rosier: “There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.”—Aristotle |
Tessais a storyteller, and a transcript editor. She's also a Romans 8:28 kind of Jewish girl ... For Tessa's new